Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dalarna, Sweden -- from the land of our forefathers

Cathy shared this photo that arrived on her desktop this morning.

"Brought to you by Long Zheng at
Images are copyright to their respective owners. Bing is a (funny) trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Some icons are by The Noun Project (Creative Commons)."

I must admit, it does look like "home" to me. No wonder those Swedes came to Northern Wisconsin, Northern Minnesota and Upper Michigan!

Thank you Cathy for sharing this with us! This is a truly beautiful photo.

Sending big hugs to all, and hope all have a wonderfully Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just Some Family News

I wrote to Jay and Betty that I was doing much better because of pool therapy, and had a wonderful telephone call from Jay yesterday.

Jay too is having pool therapy, and he was down to see Madilene recently and she walks in a pool three times a week as well. Jay loves it as do I -- when we had our reunion, I was in the pool every morning for over an hour and discovered that I felt so much better for the rest of the day. On the two weekdays, first thing in the morning there were two physical therapists with clients in the pool at the motel -- probably the only heated pool in Iron River.

I came back and asked for a referral for pool therapy from my doctor and was able to get 7 weeks of pool therapy. Then Riana and I became volunteers at Courage Center here in the cities, so we've been in the heated pool each week. We work with people who live in group homes and have disabilities of one sort or another. Riana has enjoyed it so much, we will be doing two sessions a week after the first of the year.

In 2013, I will have a Silver Sneakers membership, and will be in the pool at least 4 times a week and I am looking forward to it.

Jay said that overall they are all doing well. They celebrated Christmas early because Jason has to work over the Christmas holidays and his whole family was together, including Marlin. Marlin was with them for several days and he is doing well too. Marlin is still hunting, and doing all the things that he loves to do. All the men are still playing in cribbage tournaments. Not too long ago, Jay and Terry won first prize.

It's so nice to get family news when we are all so far apart. Years ago, our families were writing "round robin" letters so everybody could keep up with each other. If you would like to share family news, I'm sure we would all be happy. Have a great day!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

God Jul! A Swedish Merry Christmas

I found some old Christmas Cards in some papers of Aunt Nancy's, and some of these were illustrated by Carl Larsson prints.

Carl Larsson lived from 1853-1919, and painted happy family life scenes. He is among the best known Swedish artists. Carl Larsson and his family lived in Dalarna, the same part of Sweden as Andrew and Margareta Tagstrom Lundwall, our great-grandparents -- and near the homes of my mother's relatives as well!


Santa Lucia Morning

Christmas Eve

Waiting for Christmas

 Left side of Christmas Morning

 Right side of Christmas Morning

Friday, December 14, 2012

And Santa comes to town!

On Monday night, Riana was one of Santa's elves wrapping presents for the youngest Courage Center clients. There were 72 little ones there last night for their annual Christmas party. One of the other volunteers said something in Swedish, and Riana perked right up and asked her in Swedish if she could speak Swedish -- she had found another person to practice on!

Last night, after all the little ones had their pictures taken with Santa and they had all received their presents, even some of the volunteers got to sit on Santa's lap.

May your Christmas be filled with the joy and happiness of children!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

After a snowstorm -- plow-girl in training!

We had 13 inches of snowfall on Sunday, and our neighbor has been plowing out the neighborhood -- but didn't get to his whole driveway completely cleared off. Today the temperature was in the 40's, but we are supposed to get another storm this weekend and Terry's driveway needed cleanup.

Terry is Riana's "adopted" Grandpa, and he has taught her many things over the years since Jerry's been gone -- how to ride a bike, how to roller skate, how to make a birdhouse, how to do so many things, and he is incredibly patient  and helpful -- if her bike tires need air, or the seat needs tightening, or most any other problem -- Riana knows where she can get help!  

Riana was promised that this year she can learn how to help him plow, and I must admit she does a pretty good job!


Terry stayed very close. 

Backing up is tough -- but sticking out the tongue helps.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lucia Day at Gammelgarden

The celebration of Lucia in Sweden brings light to the very dark days of December. It marks the beginning of the Swedish Christmas season. Lucia, a 3rd century Christian living in Italy, was grateful that her mother's health was restored and in thankfulness Lucia spent her dowry money to feed the poor. Her fiancé' denounced her to the authorities and she was burned at the stake on December 13. Her story traveled to Sweden with Christian missionaries. Her example is celebrated in household and community settings with a young girl in white (purity) with a red sash (martyrdom) and a crown of candles (light) on her head bringing coffee and saffron buns to family members in the pre-dawn hours. Since 1927, the Stockholm Lucia is crowned at the palace and serves coffee to the Nobel prize winners, who are also bringing light to the world in the way of knowledge.

Gammelgården Museum's Lucia Celebration:

GammelKyrkan in the summer
Here in Minnesota, we began our Jul season with the celebration of Lucia as we followed the candles in the snow lighting the way to the GammelKyrkan (old church) for an early morning prayer service, all in Swedish. 

This morning, we were in the middle of a snowstorm, with perhaps 6" of snow already on the ground and lots more to come through the day.

We dressed warmly as the church is the oldest Lutheran Church in Minnesota, built in 1856, with no heat or electricity. and candle-lit, with candles at the front of the church, on wreaths hanging from the ceiling, candles in each window, and each person holding their own candle in a hand-held holder.

As each person entered this morning, a burst of cold air with snow also entered the church. Looking out the windows, snow was gently falling and blowing, a beautiful sight in this quiet rural setting.

This church service was followed by a Lucia Fest Breakfast smörgåsbord at the Scandia Community Center. The Minneapolis Svensgarnas Dag Girls Choir sang honoring Lucia and her ministry of bringing light into darkness. Gammelgården's large exhibit of Lucia artifacts was also on display at the Välkommen Hus (the Gammelgården Welcome House). Lucia Dagen is both a family and community tradition in Sweden, and celebrated each year in homes and in the schools each December 13th.

This year Riana was Lucia.

Although we didn't get good photos this morning, following are photos of Riana several years ago at one of our family Lucia celebrations.

Norene bakes the wonderful saffron rolls for our family celebrations (which were missing at the Gammelgarden breakfast -- the rolls at Gammelgården were in the shape of traditional saffron rolls, but plain sweet rolls with craisins instead of raisins. 

And on Thursday, December 13th, the official Swedish Jul (Christmas) begins! 

Here's wishing all of you a Joyous Christmas Season!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Earl Dishaw was at Pearl Harbor 61 years ago

Lin Dishaw, Larry's wife, posted this photo of Uncle Earl on Facebook. I've never seen this photo before and wanted to share it with all of you! Thank you Lin!

Earl Dishaw during World War II

I know we have other photos of family members who served during this war -- Lloyd, Bill and Kenneth. If others would like to share their photos, or others, we would love to see them.