Friday, August 8, 2014

More on Krans Family Reunion

Just received this; although it's a Krans cousin reunion, anyone related through the Ekquist side of the family will be welcomed by our Krans relatives.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hello Everyone,
Just a reminder that we have a cousin reunion scheduled forSeptember 6 at Jeff and Kay’s farm (The Peterson Farm) in Homestead. Hopefully you have all set aside this date and will be able to join us. 
We are planning on having a late lunch between 1:30 and 2:00 p.m.  We will provide pulled pork sandwiches, drinks, plates and utensils.  We are asking that you bring a dish to pass and folding chair or two.

Nina Peterson,(Clarence Peterson’s daughter), who used to live at this farm when she was young, told Jeff that she knew many of the Krans family.  She said their families were good friends.  She knew many of the “Krans kids” and would love to come and share some history and stories .

So, not only will you be able to catch up with your cousins, we may just learn something! Also have heard from Lanny and Laurie Neely (Mary Ellen’s son) that they will be attending  from Massachusetts. Please pass this information on to any of those in your family that you think will come. 

Hope to see you there.
Jeff, Kay, and Kathy